Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I have 7 minutes to write this

I don't write stream-of-thought style very often, but my cutie girlfriend Danna inspired me with her lists and stream-of-thought blogs. This past couple months I've:

Gone skydiving
Written a short story
Gotten a raise
Kissed a girl
Fixed my car
Cleaned my car
Broke my car
Told some rude neighbors to stop saying the F-word
Almost killed myself on a 4 Wheeler in Cedar City
Missed a friend that is sick
Almost went to Las Vegas
Slept in too much
Stayed up too late
Played NCAA Football 2008
Beat Tommy's Georgia Bulldogs with my South Carolina Gamecocks in triple overtime
Went running
Ripped my brother a new one for making my Mom cry
Played in the snow
Got a girlfriend (finally lol)
Helped a friend when they got their wisdom teeth out
Played on a flag football intramural team (4-1)
Had a friend introduce me to Flight of the Conchords
Got a new computer after 3 month without one
Went on a double date
Taught Sunday School without any preparation
Saw "30 Days of Night" and "Dan in Real Life" in one movie going experience
Became good friends with an old friend
Minimized my Ambien intake
Cleaned out the shed
I did something I shouldn't have
Became a mentor for a 7 year old boy named Brent
Sang in a special musical number in church
Played Oh Heck with an amazing family
Talked about the gospel with a friend
Missed some good friends back in South Carolina (Tony, Dan, Ben, Lindsey, and Rachel)
Played some intense basketball
Got the heat fixed in my car
Was greatly disappointed in a girl
Was greatly disappointed in a friend
Laughed a lot and joked about a lot of gross stuff I shouldn't have with Jacob, Devin, Tommy, Kofoed, and others
Woke up almost completely naked (I had one sock on)
Raked the yard
Felt more nervous than I had since my awkward days from just getting home from my mission

This has been a good couple of months.


Haley Hobson said...

Question: Did I make the list?? Now I've got the song "You're So Vain" playing in my head.... "You're so vain...I bet you think this song is about you, don't you?" LOL, I'm a little curious though. And I am somewhat vain. I'm glad you've reduced your Ambien intake though. I don't know if any of this will make sense to you....

Jessica said...