Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I watched CSPAN...For like 12 minutes!

I really, really dislike television. I love some of the programs that air on television, but as far as the concept of television in our society goes, I do not like it. On average, I channel surf about once every couple weeks for no longer than 30 minutes. And it's not that I don't like commercials. And it's not that I think TV is hazardous in any way, and it's not that I think "there is nothing on." (there is always something on -- Starship Toopers is literally always on) I just think it is squalid to have your life revolve around something aesthetically pleasing, but frankly, selfishly extra-curricular as a television show. (Now I am a hypocrite because I silence the house and stare at the television with anticipation and utter glee at 8PM every Thursday for The Office -- "That's what she said") But in my defense, it is The Office. How can you not have a Jim and Pam relationship-leech addiction after watching some it?

Now I could go on for hours about TV and The Office (and Starship Troopers because its on all the time), but I want to say what happened yesterday while I was bored. I channel surfed. I have no idea what channels are what or what programs come on when; I just know the basics.

So I came across CSPAN. No one likes CSPAN. I can't think of more than 3 reasons why that station exists. Anyway, I flipped right past it, but the 7/13 of a second clip caught my eye (and my ear). I pushed the down button to go back to it and then I watched CSPAN. For like 12 minutes! It was actually entertaining. But it was not the normal CSPAN old-guy-talking-slow-at-a-podium-marathon. It was a British version.

At least for me, everything becomes more entertaining when a British accent is thrown into the mix. With CSPAN, I heard the politicians talk instead of experiencing the epitome of white noise. What was torture for me yesterday, became entertainment to me the next because of a slight alteration in the way the politicians were communicating. I guess little things do make big differences.

(And instead of clapping or giving a standing ovation after the speaker makes a point where others agree, like we do here in the US; the British politicians all, in disharmony, chant "Aye aye aye!" It is the funniest thing I have ever seen; except, for when Dwight runs into a telephone poll giving him a concussion, and causing him to act weirder than he usually acts. The Office @ 8PM on Thursday nights)


Jacob Russell said...

Three! Three shameless plugs for the office! AH AH AH! (thunder clap)

- The Count

Anonymous said...

its pretty wierd you dislike tv =) lol thats cool i never heard someone say that before lol.

Caitlin Carroll said...

I love CSPAN. I watch it almost every night. So there.