Monday, October 1, 2007

Guru's: Method of Resolution

I was at a nice, little sandwich wrap place eating what looked like a jungle wrapped up in a orange tortilla. I still can't figure out why the wrap was orange, or why my jungle wrap sort of tasted like a panther. I don't know if I'll go back to this (Guru's). It looked like a really happy, industrial version of Dr. Seuss. I'll probably try it again just because of they way it looked. Anyway, my friends and I were talking about stocks, globalization and a possible exit strategies with the war in Iraq (we were really talking about sports, The Office and quoting lines from Anchorman), when my friend Stuart brought up a good point. He said something along the lines of, "Girls are irrational. When a problem comes up, instead of thinking of a good possible resolution, they work up in their minds the most irational responses. And then stand by it regardless of how crazy it may be."

For example, Stuart meets a girl. Stuart likes this girl, and to his surprise, this girl likes him back. But there's a problem: This girl has a boyfriend. Stuart makes a bet with friends involving the girl. Girl texts him, "I know I have a boyfriend, but I'd really like to get to know you better." (Score!) Stuart shows his friends the text after making the bet. Friends lose hope in winning the bet. Stuart then hangs out with girl a lot (every day for a week). Then girl shows signs of creepy-ness and insanity. Girl tells Stuart she loves him and blah blah blah. Time goes by; Stuart has his mom drive him 3 hours to go to a frat party with girl (that part makes me laugh everytime I think about it). Stuart has no desire to go to the frat party, but goes anyway because she wants to go. He sits alone at a frat party where he doesn't know anyone for some time. Girl is off mingling with friends (and flirting with other guys like it's her job) as Stuart sits in a corner of a foreign frat house in college town where he only knows one person: the girl that is mingling with friends (and flirting like she's a fly that only has 24 hours to mate and reproduce before she dies). Stuart gets fed up (as he should) and decides to go back to the dorms. Not long after getting comfortable and watching some TV, the girl calls him mad and yelling. (Maybe he should have told her he was leaving? Yes, but maybe she should have involved him so he didn't want to leave in the first place) A fight ensues as soon as girl gets back to dorm. Girl now hates Stuart because...(think about the severity of his sin)...he left a frat party he didn't want to be at because the only person he knew (she "loved" him, remember?) ignored him as he sat alone in a weird house with Greek letters on it.

The problem was bad communication. Obviously, Stuart and the girl had different ideas of how this frat party was going to play out. But when that realization hit them both, they reacted differently. Very differently. (Maybe this next part is biased because I'm a guy, but hopefully its not. Hopefully, its how everyone should act.) Stuart was confused and slightly hurt by the frat party experience. The girl was enraged and bitter about the frat party experience. Stuart's reaction or method of resolution: Talk about it. Work things out. Girl's method of resolution: Hate Stuart. Close up and show no emotion or inkling of a desire to resolve things.

Maybe it's just me, but I think Stuart's method was more rational. (And if nothing else, more civil and respectful.) Stuart found out the hard way this girl was less than sane. Maybe next I'll try and figure out "why" girls tend to be irrational (not all the time, but a lot). Wait, I'm not going to try and figure that out. That doesn't sound fun at all! I'm just going to stop digging the grave, even if it is a little shallow. I'd rather deal with the little problems, then dig any deeper.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Good points, Josh. Good points, Stu. But let's be honest for a second here: Jessica is the only girl who is not irrational. (Point proven last weekend). Amen the end.