Friday, February 1, 2008

Who GlassBooth Thinks I Should Vote For

I input all my opinions and thoughts on the issues revolving around the 2008 Election into GlassBooth and these are my results.

(Ranked in order of similarity of the candidate's and my beliefs)
(Bolded Candidates are still running)

1. Mike Huckabee- 81% (I would've never guessed) and (Yes, he is awesome on the bass)

2. Mitt Romney- 76% (He's my favorite at this point)

3. Duncan Hunter- 74% (No longer running) and ("It was me. Sorry, I had Taco Bell for lunch.")

4. Fred Thompson- 71% (No longer running) and (Ole Fred with Larry the Cable Guy)

5. John McCain- 70% (He's my second favorite at this point) and (Yes that is a little extreme for a close up.)

6. Rudy Giuliani- 70% (No longer running) and (Yes Rudy, I'm excited you dropped out too!)

7. Barack Obama- 68% (I'm not blown away, but I am kind of surprised he is ranked this high) and (I wonder if Barack can flow like his buddy Ludacris?)

8. Tom Tancredo- 67% (No longer running) and (Yes, this guy was running for president)

9. Joe Biden- 65% (No longer running) and (Yeah, I thought Cloverfield was way shaky too!)

10. Hillary Clinton- 64% (I am now blown away; 64%? That's high??) and (No comment needed)

11. Bill Richardson- 63% (No longer running) and (Pick on someone your own size, Bill!)

12. Christopher Dodd- 61% (No longer running) and (Smart kid)

13. Ron Paul- 55% (Interesting) and (Love, Paul. Love.)

14. John Edwards- 54% (No longer running) and (No John, move your thumb out and make it an "L" shape and then put it on your forehead. You never do anything right.)

15. Mike Gravel- 44% (Old man.)

16. David Kucinich- 43% (No longer running) and (Asian aren't funny; or they are, and I just shouldn't make fun of them?)

1 comment:

KT J. said...

Hey! Amazing blog... I'm KT, comment back if you like!